2016 AIPPI World Congress

Roberto Carapeto, attorney at law at Licks Attorneys, will be attending the 2016 AIPPI World Congress, which will be held in Milan, Spain, on September 16 to September 20, 2016. The annual AIPPI World Congresses offer excellent networking opportunities and educational programmes, which feature workshops on international IP issues, special panels of experts, mock trials and much more. It’s expected to have more than 2500 participants from all over the world. Find more information about this seminar clicking here.

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2016 AIPPI World Congress

September 16, 2016


September 20, 2016

Roberto Carapeto, attorney at law at Licks Attorneys, will be attending the 2016 AIPPI World Congress, which will be held in Milan, Spain, on September 16 to September 20, 2016. The annual AIPPI World Congresses offer excellent networking opportunities and educational programmes, which feature workshops on international IP issues, special panels of experts, mock trials and much more. It’s expected to have more than 2500 participants from all over the world. Find more information about this seminar clicking here.