Licks Attorneys and Michael Best and Friedrich LLP to host a Roundtable Discussion on Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patents

September 2, 2015

Licks Attorneys and Michael Best and Friedrich LLP to host a Roundtable Discussion on Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patents

Ricardo Nunes, partner at Licks Attorneys, will speak at the event “Americas in the Spotlight: Roundtable Discussion on the Challenges and Opportunities Related to Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patents”. Otto Licks and Roberto Rodrigues, both from Licks Attorneys, will attend the event.This roundtable will gather four attorney panelists from Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Columbia for a hot topic discussion including informative insight and advice for successfully navigating some of the challenges associated with the intellectual property systems in these countries, and useful strategies for maximizing intellectual property protection.The event will take place at Two Prudential Plaza, 180 North Stetson Avenue, Suite 2000, in Chicago, USA, on September 29, 2015.For more information, please contact Gabrielle Ganz at 414.277.3459 or