Licks Attorneys at the Patent Information Fair & Conference in Tokyo

November 18, 2016

Licks Attorneys at the Patent Information Fair & Conference in Tokyo

Licks Attorneys hosted a booth at the Patent Information Fair & Conference, which is the biggest event in the Japanese IP Community and is co-organized by JIPII, JAPIO, Fuji-Sankei Business-i and The Sankei Shinbun.This is the 25th edition of the event and 19.292 visitors attended the fair during the 3 days of the event. At the booth, Licks Attorneys team was able to interact and exchange information and opinions abou the IP interaction between Brazil and Japan. Also on the 11th day of the final day, invited by the JIPII, Roberto Carapeto lectured about Latin American IP at the main hall, as one of the official speeches presented by the event organizers.