April 7, 2017
In a unanimous vote by the 6th Special Chamber - a court of appeals specialized in intellectual property rights, the Rio de Janeiro Federal Law Court rejected interlocutory appeal filed to suspend Youse’s activities. Youse is a digital platform by which one of Brazil’s most traditional insurance companies, Caixa Seguradora S.A., allows the online purchase of insurance policies. The interlocutory appeal was filed by FENACOR against decision by the 10th Federal Court that revoked an earlier injunction for Youse’s suspension. Said decision was granted after the trial court acknowledged that the online retail of insurance policies by insurance companies is an unlawful practice.In light of 6th Special Chamber’s decision, Youse continues to operate the online retail of insurance policies by Caixa Seguradora S.A. Caixa Seguradora S.A. and Caixa Holding S.A. are represented by Licks Attorneys. (0013132-73.2016.4.02.0000)For more information, please click here Link is in Portuguese