The New Intellectual Property Interministerial Group

July 31, 2019

The New Intellectual Property Interministerial Group

The Brazilian President enacted on July 24, 2019, the Decree 9931/2019, establishing the Intellectual Property Interministerial Group (Grupo Interministerial de Propriedade Intelectual – “GIPI”) within the Ministry of Economy. The Group seeks to propose and coordinate the Federal Government´s activities regarding intellectual property.

The GIPI will (i) have an annual work plan with timelines establishing priorities and internal rules; (ii) promote alignment of the actions, programs, projects and initiatives of the public entities pertaining to intellectual property; (iii) issue opinions on normative acts on intellectual property and related topics; (iv) propose the execution of international treaties, conventions and acts, bilateral and multilateral dealings with intellectual property; (v) provide information on the topic; and (vi) carry out consultations before the private sector.

The GIPI will be presided by the Ministry of Economy and will be additionally composed of members representing the President’s Office, the Secretary General of the Presidency and the Ministries of Justice and Public Security; Foreign Affairs; Agriculture, Livestock and Supply; Citizenship; Health; Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications; and Environment.

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office will take part in the meetings where matters under its responsibility will be discussed, but without a voting right. Technical sub-groups may be formed to support the GIPI in specific topics.

The previous existing interministerial group, created in 2001 under the Chamber of External Commerce (“CAMEX”), ceases to exist by express revocation of its creating Presidential Decree. Different than in the former one, members of the private sector and civil society may be invited to participate, but also without a decision vote. 

For the full text of Decree 9931/2019 in Portuguese, please click here.

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