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Abel Gomes


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Appellate Judge (ret.) Abel Gomes joined Licks Attorneys as a partner in August, 2021, following his retirement from the Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region, where he served for 16 years as appellate judge. Prior to his time on the appellate court, he served as a federal judge for 12 years. Abel Gomes holds the distinction of being the longest-serving Appellate Judge dedicated to classes specialized in Industrial Property of the Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region. He joined the 1st class in 2005 and was rapporteur for over 300 decisions related to patents, trademarks, and industrial designs. His extensive experience in this area has solidified his reputation as one of Brazil’s most knowledgeable and experienced magistrates in the field.

In addition to his legal career, Mr. Gomes has been honored with the Peacemaker Medal by the Ministry of the Army in 1997, as well as the Medal of Order of Military Merit and Pedro Ernesto Medal in 2007, among other prestigious awards. He has also taken on significant educational and academic endeavors, serving as a Visiting Professor at the School of Magistracy of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) and holds the position of Vice-President of the Permanent Forum of Philosophy, Ethics, and Legal Systems of EMERJ. Additionally, he is a valued member of the Permanent Forum of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of EMERJ.

+ Languages
  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Italian
+ Practice Areas
  • Intellectual Property
  • Patents
  • Trademark, Trade Dress & Publicity Rights
  • Litigation

+ Representative Cases
  • As Appellate Judge of the Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region, Abel Gomes was responsible for many decisions considered as important precedents in the area.
  • In 2007, he stood out for facing complex issues of industrial property. He was the rapporteur of the first decisions related to intertemporal law and the terms of patents and utility models in light of the succession of laws over time and the application of international treaties.
  • In 2008, the Appellate Judge addressed a crucial matter for the research community of regulated products: the relationship of samples sales and licenses to determine the safety and efficacy of products against patentability requirements. In 2010, he judged the impact of adjustments and term extensions for foreign patents (PTAs and PTEs) with corresponding ones in Brazil.
  • In 2017, he was responsible for the judgment of a case assessing the non prohibition of software registration by article 10.V of the Brazilian Patent Statute, pursuant to Decree n. 2,556/98.
+ Professional Highlights

+ Representative Experience
+ Affiliations
  • Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro (OAB/RJ);
  • Association of Federal Judges of Brazil (AJUFE);
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Editora Lumen Juris, Rio de Janeiro.
+ Education
  • Doctorate in Fundamental Rights and New Rights, Estácio de Sá University, 2021;
  • Master’s Degree in Criminal Law, State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), 2013;
  • Bachelor of Laws, Cândido Mendes University, 1989.
+ Publications
  • How specialisation transformed Brazil’s patent system, WIPR, 2024;
  • The success of the Brazilian utility patent system fostered by the Brazilian Judicial Branch, Lexology, 2024;
  • Efetividade do sistema de patentes de invenção brasileiro conferida pelo Judiciário, Conjur, 2024;
  • Brazilian Anti-Corruption Act: sanctions record vs. difficulty in defending companies, Lexology, 2023;
  • How does CGU interpret the Brazilian Anticorruption Statute terms, Lexology, 2023;
  • Lei Anticorrupção: recorde de sanções vs. dificuldade na defesa das empresas, Conjur, 2023;
  • Como a CGU interpreta prazos da Lei Anticorrupção, Valor Econômico, 2023;
  • Temas de Direito Penal e Processo Penal : em especial na Justiça Federal. Editora Renovar, RJ, 1999 (co-authored with Guilherme Calmon Nogueira da Gama);
  • Crime Organizado e suas conexões com o poder público. Editora Impetus, RJ, 2000 (co-authored with Geraldo Prado and William Douglas);
  • A Nova Lei Antidrogas. Editora Impetus, RJ, 2006 (co-authored with Antônio César Bocheneck and others);
  • Lavagem de Dinheiro : comentários à Lei pelos juízes das varas especializadas em homenagem ao Ministro Gilson Dipp. Livraria do Advogado Editora, PA, 2007 (co-authored with Cassio Granzinoli and others);
  • A Ética da Punição. Editora Unisinos/Editora Lumen Juris, 2018 (co-authored with Vicente Barretto);
  • Estudos Hermenêuticos : em homenagem ao professor doutor Lenio Streck. Thoth Editora, Londrina, 2019 (co-authored with Alex Maia E. de Oliveira and others.
  • As provas do crime de tortura: Revista do Centro de Estudos Judiciários do Conselho da Justiça Federal. Year V, #14 – May-August 2001, p. 38-43.
  • A Obrigação de Comunicar Operações Suspeitas: Revista da Associação dos Juízes Federais do Brasil. Year 21, #75/76, 2004.
  • O Problema do Ônus da Prova nos Crimes de Lavagem de Dinheiro: Revista da Escola da Magistratura Regional Federal da 2ª Região. Special Historical Edition #1. August 2005.
  • Persecução Penal e Devido Processo Penal no Brasil e no Common Law Tradition : análise histórica e comparativa à luz da aplicação de princípios democráticos - (collective article with Eduardo Leite Chazan et alii). Revista da Seção Judiciária do Rio de Janeiro. #22 of 2008.
  • Juiz das Garantias : inconsistência científica ; mera ideologia – como se só juiz já não fosse garantia - Revista do Centro de Estudos Judiciários do Conselho da Justiça Federal. Year XIV. #51 Oct./Dec. 2010.
  • Responsabilidade Penal pela Omissão de Compliance: In O Direito em Perspectiva. Coord. Cleyson de Moraes Melo and others. Academic Coord. João Eduardo de Alves Pereira et alii. Juiz de Fora: Editar, 2015.
  • A Homologação da Delação Premiada e a Atuação Judicial: In Colaboração Premiada: Perspectivas Teóricas e Práticas. Coord. João Pedro Gebran Neto. Porto Alegre: Verbo Jurídico, 2020.
  • Direito Penal Moderno, Crimes do Colarinho Branco e Déficit Democrático. In Criminalidade Econômica e Empresarial. Written in Homage to Professor Artur Gueiros. Org. Cecilia Choeri and others. Tirant Lo Blanch. In print.
+ Speaking Engagements and Others
+ Articles